“Dinner, Not Art” – A Macaroni Art and Food Donation App

Today I downloaded and tried out the “Dinner, Not Art” iPad application made by Kraft foods where you can create digital macaroni art, and also donate noodles to those who need food.  The app is promoted with the phrase, “Make macaroni masterpieces without wasting a noodle.” For each noodle you use in your piece, 10 real noodles are donated to the nonprofit Feeding America.  As of today, according to the application, over 16,325,050 noodles have been donated to Feeding America, a non-profit that helps those who are hungry and in need of food.

After you download and open the application,  you get to create a virtual piece of art by gluing virtual noodles, adding paint, erasing, and choosing a background You can then submit your piece to be chosen to be in the Dinner, Not Art gallery and on Facebook.

I created a simple piece on a red background and when I was done I named it, saved it, and posted it on my “virtual fridge.” By making the piece, I helped donate 50 noodles to Feeding America.

Want to make a macaroni piece? Check out the Youtube movie and application page to get started.

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