Park(ing) Day – Use a Parking Space as a Public Space

Park(ing) Day is a urban intervention project that occurs each September, where people put money in a parking meter and instead of parking, use the space to create their own public park.  People will use the space to lay down grass sod, park a boat, or to gather and enjoy a picnic lunch.

The project began in 2005 when Rebar, a San Francisco art and design studio, converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park in downtown San Francisco. Since 2005, PARK(ing) Day has evolved into a global event, with groups and individuals creating new forms of temporary public space in urban places around the world.

In recent years, parking spaces have been used to create free health clinics, temporary urban farms, sites to show ecology demonstrations, art installations, free bike repair shops and as a location for a wedding ceremony.

The Parking Day website reports that in 2011 there were 975 parks created in 162 cities in 35 countries.  If you are interested in planning a Park(ing) Day event for next year, you can download the Park(ing)Day Manual to get ready and rally for next year’s event.  What would you do in your own public space?



The Park(ing)Day Manual 





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