Kristen Baumlier’s work spans the full spectrum of interdisciplinary media, including photography, performance, interactive installation, video and audio works. Baumliér-Faber ‘s current project, called Bliss – Salt, Sugar and Fat, uses photography and installation to present familiar processed foods in innovative ways. Viewers will be presented with a unique view of some of the foods designed by the food industry that light up our brains and make us want to eat more due to the use of salt, sugar, and fat.
Baumliér-Faber began researching food, health, technology, and food systems and developed the community project Food Font which comprised of fifteen live Food Font events where community members created food alphabets. Over 29 alphabets and 1500 letters were made for the project. The letters are free and available for anyone to use as jpeg files and printables and have been used in classrooms, hospitals, farmers markets and in homes to promote discussion and awareness about food.
Baumlier has performed as the The Petroleum Pop Princess, a fitness guru, and done public projects in farmers markets and on public spaces. Her work which includes photography, video, performance and installation and has been exhibited at the Sculpture Center, Mattress Factory, UNI Museum of Art, Exit Art, the Carrack and the South Bend Museum of Art.