I have spent the last couple of weeks working on a new logo and identity for my blog – and I would like to formally welcome you to the tinySplash bigView – all grown up blog. So, what is different?
The new logo up on top of the blog is new. Also, you can access the blog by going to either:
https://kristenbaumlier.com/blog (old location) OR http://www.tinysplashbigview.com.
I was finding that it was difficult to direct people to the blog with my name – so now there are 2 ways to access it. Since more and bigger is better – I figured I would make it accessable through 2 domain names.
Thanks to everyone who was asked to vote on the top 3 logos in the running- the feedback was great.
Since this post is about the blog, I would like to congratulate myself for writing over 148 posts since the blog launched in October.
Way to go Kristen! (pat myself on the back and free giftcard to me.)