Want to Start a Community Garden? Attend a workshop in Cleveland

Want to Start a Community Garden? Attend a workshop in Cleveland

The Ohio State University Extension network works to bring knowledge and programs to cities across Ohio and is one of the world’s largest non-formal educational systems that addresses state, national, and global issues. Family and consumer sciences, 4-H youth development, community development, and agriculture and natural resources are areas cultivated by programs and workshops of the OSU Extension network.

In Cuyahoga county, the OSU Extension program is hosting some workshops where individuals can learn how to start a community garden.  Want to join the 4000 residents in Cuyahoga County who grow fruits and vegetables in community gardens?  Come to one of the workshops that will review the process of starting a community garden, what mini-grant opportunities and other programs are available.

The two Suburban Community Gardening Information Workshops are scheduled for:
Dec 14th , 6-7 PM
Cuyahoga County Public Library – Warrensville Branch
22035 Clarkwood Parkway, Warrensville Heights 44128

Dec 19th , 6-7 PM
Cuyahoga County Public Library – Independence Branch
6361 Selig Drive, Independence 44131

For more information contact Amanda at (216) 429-8200 ext. 250
Image Source:
Future House Farm


OSU Extension Office -Cuyahoga County


Desert Rooftops – an installation of “Surburban” Rooftops in Times Square

Desert Rooftops – an installation of “Surburban” Rooftops in Times Square

Desert Rooftops is a 5,000-square-foot sculpture by artist David Brooks that was recently installed in Times Square that is an a configuration of multiple asphalt shingled rooftops similar to those on suburban developments, new houses, and strip malls. The roofs are built close together, and create a landscape of rooftops, or a image of rolling asphalt dunes or hills.

The piece raises questions issues of the natural and built landscape, and uses humor to present issues about suburban and urban sprawl. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification defines desertification as: land degradation into arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including human activities and climatic variations derived from over-development, over-grazing and an overworked land. The result is often a depleted landscape inhospitable to other life.

Brooks investigates this idea as it applies to housing communities, which devour more and more land and resources each year.   By definition, the outcome is equivalent to this very process of desertification.

The Last Lot is a  short term donation to Art Production Fund from The Shubert Organization, and is part of the Times Square Alliance’s public art program that works to bring cutting-edge art to Times Square.

The piece will be on view  The Last Lot, (46th Street & 8th Avenue) until February 5th, 2012.



Desert Rooftops – Art Production Fund

David Brooks

Future Power Sources – From Plants?

Future Power Sources – From Plants?

When we think of biofuel – corn usually comes to mind.  There are many other plants that have qualities that make them possible future sources of fuels.  Some of these plants include castor bean, barley, mustard, sugarcane, switchgrass, tobacco, sorghum, algae, sunflowers, and peanuts.

The original 1970s appeal of biofuels was the opportunity during the oil crisis to move away from dependence on oil from other countries.  Later, it was seen as an opportunity to fight global warming – a way to make gas from plants, and with no emissions of carbon dioxide.

Today, the most common biofuel sources in the U.S. are corn, which is fermented into ethanol and blended into gasoline, and soybeans, which are converted to biodiesel. The ethanol, which stores less energy per gallon, tends to absorb water and is corrosive – people only use it if they are forced to or if it is cheap.

In Brazil, however, the price of ethanol got low enough for people to use it after the 1970s oil crisis, thanks to highly productive sugar plantations and distilleries in the country. Today Brazil is a biofuel superpower.   The ethanol made from sugar is more efficient, and less harmful on the environment than American ethanol distilleries, often fueled by coal.

In has been reported that today’s biofuel policies are not solving the climate or fuel crises but are instead contributing to food insecurity and inflation.  Oxfam calculates that rich country biofuel policies have dragged more than 30 million people into poverty, according to evidence that biofuels have already contributed up to 30% to the global rise in food prices.

“Biofuel policies are actually helping to accelerate climate change and deepen poverty and hunger. Rich countries’ demands for more biofuels in their transport fuels are causing spiraling production and food inflation,” said report author, Oxfam’s biofuel policy adviser Rob Bailey.  “If the fuel value for a crop exceeds its food value, then it will be used for fuel instead. Thanks to generous subsidies and tax breaks, that is exactly what is happening. Grain reserves are now at an all-time low.”

The biofuels being grown today are not an effective answer to climate change, Oxfam says. Instead, biofuels are taking over agricultural land and forcing farming to expand into lands that are important carbon sinks, like forests and wetlands. This triggers the release of carbon from soil and vegetation that will take decades to repay.

Today’s biofuel policies are not solving the climate or fuel crises but are instead contributing to food insecurity and inflation.  Another problem seen with the corn ethanol is that the biofuel use contributes to a 30% global rise to food prices, and contributes to the food crisis in some countries in the world.

“Biofuel policies are actually helping to accelerate climate change and deepen poverty and hunger. Rich countries’ demands for more biofuels in their transport fuels are causing spiraling production and food inflation,” said report author, Oxfam’s biofuel policy adviser Rob Bailey.

Another issue is that biofuels are causing agricultural land to expand, into lands that are “carbon sinks,” like forests and wetlands. This triggers the release of carbon from soil and vegetation that will take decades to repay.

Is Biofuels in our future?  The European Union currently has a mandatory 10 percent goal for transportation fuels such as biofuels, electricity and hydrogen is included in the renewable energy increase by 2020.

The directive offers incentives for more sustainable biofuels by allowing second-generation biofuels to be double-credited in the 10 percent target. Second-generation biofuels don’t compete with food or feed production, and include wastes, residues, nonfood biomass such as algae, wood residues or paper waste.



Oxfam’s report “Another Inconvenient Truth”

DOCUMERICA: Images of America in Crisis in the 1970s

DOCUMERICA: Images of America in Crisis in the 1970s

At the end of the 1960’s, the rapid development of industry and the unchecked land development began to take a noticeable toll on the environment. Air, noise, and water pollution seemed to be on the rise, and people began to call for action.

In November 1971, the newly created Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched a massive photo documentary project to record these changes.  Called DOCUMERICA, more than 100 photographers were hired to document specific environmental issues, to capture images of everyday life, and to show that moment in history. By 1974, more than 80,000 photographs had been produced.  The images framed environmental problems such as noise, water and air pollution, but also health problems and social decay.
The project also collected images of American making changes and creating positive change in their surroundings.

The project was the United States first serious examination of the decay of the natural environment   Gifford Hampshire was the EPA Project director for DOCUMERICA and described the inspiration of the project as, “It was an exciting time. The public was expecting results.”  Hampshire wrote in his memoir that the EPA had worked to close down the big offenders of industrial pollution, but that it became clear that ordinary people were responsible for many pollution issues.

The project was geographic in nature, with photographers working in one area of the U.S. usually where they lived and worked as professional photographers.  Exhibits of the images were shown at EPA facilities and other small venues until the early 1980s.

The images are really eye-opening today.  Images of cities with smog, subways with graffiti, a town with 4 nuclear reactors in the background – paint a picture of the environment as it was in the 1970s. Looking at them today also shows that we have made some progress in terms of protecting the environment, and in dealing with pollution.

The images can be seen on the Documerica Catalogue website, and there is also a great selection of 46 images on the Atlantic’s website.

Image Source:



DOCUMERICA  Images of Crisis and Cure in the 1970s

Archival Research Catalogue – Documerica

46 selected pictures on The Atlantic DOCUMERICA: Images of America in Crisis in the 1970s


Do you still dare to dream?  Check out An Awesome Book and get inspired

Do you still dare to dream? Check out An Awesome Book and get inspired

Dallas Clayton is an illustrator who wrote a book for his son about the idea of dreaming big and never giving up. Entitled An Awesome book, he put it online, and as Clayton writes, “my whole life changed forever.”

The book starts with these 4 pages, “ There are places in the world where people do not dream.. of rocket –powered unicorns… of magic watermelon boats… and musical baboons. …” The illustrations have a hand-made whimsical look, and the book goes on to talk about those who forget to dream, those who give up, and that you can dream whatever you want.

A simple message, but when I checked out the book online, it hit home with me .

How often do I think of ideas that might be impossible?  Am I too quick to discard what could be a good idea?  A car that runs on jellybans? Thinking of feasibility too early in coming up with ideas?

Clayton started a foundation to give away one book for every copy of An Awesome Book that he sold. In an effort to promote children’s literacy by encouraging kids to dream ,the books are delivered directly and distributed to schools, hospitals, libraries, camps and shelters both domestically and worldwide.

Today he writes children’s books for a living and is frequently on book tours, traveling the world reading to kids.

Need some inspiration to dream?  Clayton has a website and blog where his new books and illustration work can be seen and read.

Image Source:

Images by Dallas Clayton


An Awesome Book – Read the book Online

Very Awesome World Website

Dallas Clayton Website