How Much Water Do You Use a Day? Infographic

As I site here staring at my waterbottle, I wonder how much water I drink each day.  I seem to fill it up a few times a day.  Combine the water I  drink with the occasional shower, flushing the toilet, brushing my teeth, and cooking and I’m sure that I use quite a bit of water each day.

There is an interactive Infographic application on where you can learn about water use and estimate how much water you use each day.  Many people in the world exist on 3 gallons of water per day or less.  Most of us in  America use that amount in one flush of the toilet.

The water use interactive  infographic was created by in partnership with Levi’s, who is doing lots of campaigns lately about saving water.

I went through the interface twice and learned  that water can’t be created.  It is all recycled over and over, so we are using water that  has existed on Earth billions of years ago.

According to the site, the majority of water use is not from what we use but from the food and products that we use each day.  When I would choose a hamburger over chicken or pasta – the water used would increase by quite a bit.

I interacted with the site and determined that I use somewhere between 8 and 16 gallons of water a day.

How much water do you use?




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