Category: smell

The power of smell:  Aroma Jockey Odo7

The power of smell: Aroma Jockey Odo7

Most festivals, live performances, theater and cinema use sight and sound – but what if the use of smell was used? Aroma Jockey Odo7 has created a form of “aroma illustration” or “aroma jockeying” that he does for events and groups.

Researchers say that the sense of smell is by far the most powerful of all our senses and that it is a “direct extension of the brain.”  Its direct contact means we get a very quick, very intensive reaction to odor.  Smells have a relationship to emotions, sounds, colors, and culture.  Odo7 explores how the chemical and biological can be presented within an atmosphere that renews itself through the use of 7 main groups of aromatic elements.

Odo7 who is currently living in Amsterdam, Netherlands has established the conscious use of scents in entertainment scenting.  In 2002, Odo7 worked with a “civelrevoltage” artist group to create a visual and sound experience.  He has worked with Isabella Rosselini on a project in Amsterdam, and his other clients include J.P. Gaultier and Tommy Hilfiger.

His website presents some of the  history and the value of aroma and scent – and can be seen at


 Odo7’s site –

Article on the Power of Smell – BBC article