PP Capsule – Chairs filled with Upcycled Plastic Bottle Caps

PP Capsule – Chairs filled with Upcycled Plastic Bottle Caps

Each time I throw a plastic bottle into a recycle bin, I am unsure of what to do with the cap.  I know that they are not recyclable, but it feels wrong to throw them in the garbage.  The caps are made out of a different plastic than the bottles, the  #5 plastic and usually are not taken by most recycling plants.  I sometimes pocket them for a while, only to throw them out later.

The caps usually end up in landfills.  A design agency based in Hong Kong called Kacama has created a new way to use plastic caps.  Why not sit on them?  Kacama’s chair designed, called PP Capsule is a beanbag chair that is made with recycled plastic fabrics, and is filled with over 4.000 plastic caps.  The caps are ground up into small pieces, making a plastic confetti that is used as stuffing, and is comfortable to sit on.

The chairs have been made in various colors, and have a modern but warm look to them.  The development of the chairs was supported by a community development program called Yan Oi Tong, and Kacama worked with a local recycling plant and local seamstresses who sewed the chairs.


Image Source and Links: – PP Capsule Chairs


Tip Toe Through the Lasers – The Heart Collection Game

Tip Toe Through the Lasers – The Heart Collection Game

In 1999 Entrapment, a artwork heist movie was released, and had a  scene with Catherine Zeta-Jones skillfully navigating through a room full of lasers, in order to steal a priceless lasers.

A new interactive maze game, called The Heart Collection gives you a chance to try going through a maze of a laser security system, in order to steal some art.  The game premiered at the Come Out and Play Festival and was first installed with the William Randolph Hearst collection.

Reports from those who have tried to navigate through the lasers to steal art pieces on the wall report that it is harder than it looks.  (It is really hard.)

The game, created by Go Game, has been reengineered to travel and fit into a suitcase sized laser maze construction kit. The kit has custom components including light sensors, aimable lasers, cable connectors, and an arduino board that runs the game software.  With the kit, you construct a maze of your own design in about 20 minutes.  To vary the difficulty and create levels, this would depend on the physical space that the game is setup and the position of the paitnings that are to be stolen.

Two videos about the game are online, featuring the game creator Gabe Smedresman and also showing the game in action.

Image Source and Links:

Video From Come Out and Play Festival

Video from IndieCade 




The Empire Drive-In – The Drive-In Theatre with Upcycled Cars

The Empire Drive-In – The Drive-In Theatre with Upcycled Cars

Drive in theaters, where you could sit and watch a movie in your car were popular in the late 1950s, and there were between 4000 and 5000 drive-ins. Today it is reported that there are about 422 that are open around the world. (1)

Brooklyn-based artists Jeff Stark and Todd Chandler have created a drive-in movie theater experience that mixes upcycling and drive-ins in a new way.  Titled The Empire Drive-In, the project uses cars from local junk yards and repurposes them as the seats for an outdoor theater. The screen used to project the movie is 40 feet tall, and is made from salvaged wood. A Low-power radio transmits the movie’s stereo audio directly to each car.

The first Empire Drive-In was created for a viewing of one of the artist’s films and was located in San Jose, California in 2010. The project has now traveled, and has been a featured installation at a number of festivals and events, including the 2012 Abandon Normal Devices Festival in Manchester, United Kingdom.

During the Empire Drive-In experience, viewers are invited to change seat and switch cars, to check the glove compartments and to even sit on the cars.  The cars selected are not flashy, but often are cars that we see every day (like Nissans and Fords.)  The artists have included these familiar brands in an attempt to demonstrate the planned obsolescence of cars with so many people getting new cars every few years.

This past month, the Empire Drive-In showed a variety of movies at New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York between October 4-20th that included  a series of Bollywood films, Animation shorts, movies made by youth groups, and some movie shorts about transportation.

What to experience the Empire?  The schedule of events and screenings are listed on the project website.

Image Source and Links:



Ghost Food – Experience How We Might Eat After Global Warming

Ghost Food – Experience How We Might Eat After Global Warming

Two years ago, the cost of peanut butter went up, due to a lower supply of peanuts due to severe heat and drought.  In the discussion about climate change, our food supply and food security are named as a growing problem, and that 2050 is the tipping point for when our supply will not meet our demand.

GhostFood is an interactive art project created by artists Miriam Simun and Miriam Songster which presents an experience of how we might eat in the future.  For the project,  a food truck offers a menu with food substitutes for 3 foods that would be affected by global warming.  The menu lists cod, chocolate, and peanut butter.  A visitor can order a food sample, which comes in a white tray and a thin tubelike mask that allows you to smell what you are supposed to eat.

Once the mask is on, the visitor is able to smell the food that they ordered, in a small round piece that is soaked in synthetic chocolate, cod, or peanut butter.

Both Simun and Songster have done past projects with food and smell.  GhostFood is meant to present a simulation of how food might be experienced if it is no longer available.

The press release for the project describes the experience as:

“When you get to the front of the line, ask for the cod, and rest assured that the food substitute served is fish-less and made from climate-change resilient ingredients. Your flavor experience will be delivered by a GhostFood server.

If you inquire, you might learn that the potential future of the codfish as an ocean ghost is the result of a future mass drowning. Cod eggs that the female fish release into our oceans can no longer float in surface waters due to decreasing salinity levels in an Atlantic that is warming.

GhostFood serves this post-extinction sidewalk snack hoping that when you float in the ocean next summer you will consider that buoyant feeling a little differently.”

The project premiered as part of the DesignPhilly event on October 9, 2013.

Image Source and Links:






World Food Day is Coming Up – October 24

World Food Day is Coming Up – October 24

On October 24th all across the U.S. various groups including health officials, nutritionists, college students, environmentalists, farmers, food and health advocates, companies, chefs, parents, and teachers will be sponsoring and participating in activities encouraging Americans to eat healthy and “real” food.  Food Day is a worldwide event that is designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger and good eating, and there is still time to get involved.

On a personal level, you can use Food Day as an inspiration to introduce healthier foods into your diet. Some individuals will ask their employer to create an office wellness policy or participate in a community supported agriculture program. School cooking lessons, making a garden, or holding a dinner parties are other ways to participate.

Some larger events that are happening for Food Day include the Bon Appétit Management company (which has over 500 food cafes) are working to promote sodium reduction in their food and The Big Apple Crunch event which is an attempt to set the world record for the “Most Participants in an Apple-Crunching Event.”

If you want to organize an event, or do something for the day, the site has organizing guides and resources that include a film screening guide, a dinner party kit, and discussion guides.


Image Sources and Links:

Food Day – Facebook page

Big Apple Crunch Event

I Eat Real – Food Day Poster