Tag: food

Got sauerkraut?  Sauerkraut Powered Robots

Got sauerkraut? Sauerkraut Powered Robots

Earlier this year, artist and programmer Jesse Hemminger organized a series of five potluck dinners at his apartment. He asked friends to bring something to eat or drink, and to bring a canning jar or empty glass spaghetti sauce jar.  He also asked them to write and bring a piece of paper something that they were holding onto and knew they needed to let go of.

At the potluck, everyone filled their jar with shredded cabbage and salt.  Hemminger let everyone know that the cabbage would ferment and transform into homemade sauerkraut.  He collected all of the sheets of paper and later shredded, pulped, and transformed them into a fresh new sheet of paper which Hemminger planned to make into a piece of art.

Sauerkraut is acidic, and can become a battery similar to lemon or potato batteries that are often created as a science experiment in the classroom.  The chemical reaction of the copper and zinc electrodes put into the acidic food creates an electrical charge.  From his potluck event, Hemminger decided to make robots powered by sauerkraut.   He also decided to have them draw on the paper that he made out of his friends papers written with the things they wanted to let go.

He has shown the sauerkraut robot drawing machines at a couple of gallery shows this year, and also this past weekend at the Ingenuity Festival in Cleveland.   I was doing a project behind him, and I watched as lots of visitors checkd out his sauerkraut batteries and  his robots as they made marks and drawings on the paper.

The small robots look like insects and have small pieces of lead attached to them.  They hop or skip around on paper while making graphite marks on the paper.  One draws lines, another makes circles.  The resulting drawings are abstract and the food batteries are a play on the “power of food.”

Image Source:
The Sauerkraut Project Blog


The Sauerkraut Project Blog

Video – The Sauerkraut Project

Jesse Hemminger Website



Jr. Food Critic – A Twelve Year Old Blogger and Food Critic

Jr. Food Critic – A Twelve Year Old Blogger and Food Critic

In the news today were reports about a Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House where 54 young chefs ate 8-12 came to eat lunch with Michelle Obama.  Each guest was a winner in a healthy recipe contest  that was done as part of a healthy lunch challenge  of letsmove.gov.

I learned about a young food critique (or as he calls himself, “a 12 year old foodie that loves to cook and go to different restaurants) whose name is Michael Prados and lives in Baton Rouge Louisiana.  I checked out his blog called Jr. Food Critic, where he writes about restaurants and posts recipes. I found it refreshing to year a young person’s point of view about food and the restaurant experience.

A recent post is about his visit to a restaurant called The Londoner.

Here is what he had to say about his visit:

“Hey Everybody! Yesterday, my family and I went to a place called the The Londoner! It is a English style pub/restaurant. It is not necessarily a fancy restaurant, but it has great atmosphere. Our waitress’s name was Amber. She was really nice and kind.

For an appetizer we had some chips and roasted salsa. I also had a taste of my mom’s crab and brie soup, which I highly recommend. The crab and brie soup was a creamy type of soup with crab in it. For my main course I had Steak Royale. It was steak on top of a pile of gravy and mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes were a little bit dry to me by themselves… but when you soaked them in the gravy they were delicious and creamy. I had my steak cooked medium rare, but that’s how I like my steak cooked. The way the steak is cooked is up to you. Anyway, the steak was three filet medallions served with a mushroom sauce.”

I enjoyed reading some of his reviews and posts, and am amazed that a 12 year old has a blog and Facebook presence!

Image Source:





This Weekend – Food Font comes to Buffalo, NY

This Weekend – Food Font comes to Buffalo, NY

Food Font,  a project where people can create food alphabets and use them in an interactive design tool to the Elmwood-Bidwell Farmers Market in Buffalo, NY on July 28th.

Food Font is an interactive art project where people can make alphabets out of food, take pictures of each letter, and later use these and other food alphabets in a fun, free, interactive online design tool. With the tool, you can write with various food alphabets, choose backgrounds, and do basic layout techniques to make images that can be saved, shared electronically, and also printed. The tool can be used to make images, posters, signs, and other printed materials.

The Buffalo News wrote a short writeup in the Grub-Pub area about the upcoming event.

If you are in the area – come stop by and make a letter out of local produce!  (but we are not Buffalo wings I just had to use that image!)


Buffalo News – Food Font Writeup


The World’s Fare: The Largest International Roaming Dinner Party

The World’s Fare: The Largest International Roaming Dinner Party

A few weeks ago I backed a project on Kickstarter called The World’s Fare.  The project got funded, and this Fall, the organization The Feast will host an international, roaming dinner party called the World’s Fare that everyone is invited to participate in.

On October 5, 2012 at 7pm local time in cities everywhere, anyone can be a part of the dinner by  bringing together 6-8 people for a feast (dinner) of their own. The purpose is to eat together and decide on one thing each group can collectively start to make the world better.  It can be small –like fixing a fence or large such as supporting an effort to redefine an industry.

All of the groups who participate will be invited to share what they intend to build and change with the world at large online.  These commitments will be shared through The Feast site, social media and showcased in a public art installation that will act as the central piece for a pavilion of innovation in NYC the next day.

This initiative is part of the organization, The Feast, which organizes the Feast Conference which brings entrepreneurs, radicals, doers and thinkers who are revolutionizing the way things work for the betterment of humanity.  This year the conference is from October 3-5, 2012.

I plan to participate, and just put the event in my calendar.  Now – I have to decide what to cook and who to invite.

Image Source:



www.kickstarter.com – World’s Fare