Tag: Games

Massively Multi-Player Thumb Wrestling Makes You Feel Good

Massively Multi-Player Thumb Wrestling Makes You Feel Good

I recently saw a new TED talk by Jane McGonigal where she had the audience play her favorite game – Massively Multiplayer tThumb-Wrestling. In the opening of her talk, she promises the audience that if they play this game for one minute, they will experience 10 positive emotions that include creativiety, contentment, joy, relief, love, surpise, and excitement.

The game is an expansion of thumb wrestling.  The principle of thumb-wrestling is simple. Two players take each others right hand and entangle their fingers – except the thumbs – forming a fist. The players then try to catch and freeze the opponent’s thumb.

To play the game Massivley-Player style, players form a group and play with 3 or four people.  You also can play two games at once, being part of a group with your left hand, and other group with your write.  As the number of players is unlimited, global thumb-wrestling may emerge through self-sustaining peer-to-peer networks and ad-hoc socializing.

In her talk, you watch as she asks each member of the audience to play, and they stand up and connect in to multi-player thumb circles, forming a large connected formation, where the whole audience playing the gmae.

In her talk, McGonigal talked about games and challenges “When we play a game, we tackle tough challenges with more creativity, more determination, more optimism, and we’re more likely to reach out to others for help.”

McGongigal has been doing research about games and emotions, and this talk supports her interest in interactions that create oxytotin in our brain, which makes us feel happy and also connected to others. In her talk she talked about emotions and said, “If you can manage to experience three positive emotions for every one negative emotion … you dramatically improve your health and your ability to successfully tackle any problem you’re facing.”

The Massively Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling game was introduced in 2004 by the group monochrom which is based in Austria.

To experience the game, go find 3 friends and ask them to play or check out the video on TED.com.


Images and Links:

Jane Mcgonigal – TED Talk 

monochrom.at- Massively Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling



Back Alley Brawl or The Smelly Closets Civics Game: Educational Games made by Grade School Students

Back Alley Brawl or The Smelly Closets Civics Game: Educational Games made by Grade School Students

Back Alley Brawl or The Smelly Closets Civics Game: Educational Games made by Grade School Students

What would an educational computer gams be like if a group of gradeschool  students created them?  Globaloria is a curriculum and learning system program where students create games. While doing so, they are part of a social learning network where they learn science, technology, engineering, and math.  They also develop digital literacies and gain global citizenship skills.  In the program, students work  in teams to create games while working with their teacher gaming professionals, and other students online.

For the program the students follow the real-world design process and practice planning, prototyping, building, publishing, testing, and playing games.

This past year students participated in Globaloria and were from California, Florida, West Virginia, Texas, and New York.  At the end of the year, students participate in a game design competition.   The program is supported by  government leaders, school systems, public, private, and corporate foundations.

Want to play Back Alley Brawl, The Golden Apple Civics Game, Elemental Elegance or the Smelly Closets Civics Game?  These and other games made by students in the program are available to play at the Globaloria website.

I just spent some time trying out the game Gulf Coast Bird Rescue  which was made in New York.  I had to control the Commander of the Rescue Team (who looked like an octopus) and avoid the evil oil spills while trying to save birds.  The graphics were crude but I enjoyed the idea of the game.  I was able to easily move around using the arrow keys on my keyboard to pick up the birds.  In the end – the oil slick got me.  Good thing about games is that I can just play again.

Image Source:




Kicked Out! – A Social Online Game for Teens About Using Money

Kicked Out! – A Social Online Game for Teens About Using Money

When I was at the Games for Change Conference last month, I got a chance to talk to Anna Mostetschnig, who is Head of Research and Development of the game Kicked Out!, which is a game that teaches financial literacy in the increasingly popular game space of Facebook.  The game explores how can you handle your money responsibly, and what are the consequences of your financial decisions.

Currently many young people in their twenties already hold an average debt of about $45,000. Katharina Norden, founder of Kicked Out! recently remarked that, “…Research supports the fact that if people don’t learn financial literacy skills before the age of 19, then spending patterns become internalized to the point where they’re extremely difficult to change.” The game was created in collaboration with  psychologists, debt counselors and behavioral economists.  The team behind the game come from Vienna, Austria and they have partnered with the game developers at ‘Team Vienna’ who have worked with Rockstar games on Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, other games.

So how do you play?  In order to win at Kicked Out!, players must do well at navigating real-life financial situations, managing their daily finances and making long-term decisions while avoiding debt traps. The game is explored through trial and error, and you learn through the experience.

When I talked to Mostetschnig at G4C, she told me that this is the first Facebook that focuses on knowledge of financial decisions rather than focusing on “teaching.”   She explained that knowledge does not lead to the experience, so the game approach is to be fun and a interesting experience. Issues like what does life really cost, what are the most common debt traps, are explored in the narrative of the game.

For the game you start out leaving your parents and getting your own apartment.  You then have to decide how to decorate the apartment.  You can invite your Facebook friends and have parties.   If your party is successful you might have paty crashers like Lady Gaga or Justin Beiber.  You can take pictures and post them in Facebook.  Next day.  Uh-oh.  Your car just broke down and needs a $600 repair.  Will you make it through the rest of the month?

Kicked Out! is currently working to develop this game independently and is using Kickstarter to get funds for the game.  You can read more on the Kickstarter project website or at kicked-out.com

Image Source:





Gaming for Good: Game Concepts wanted to support Climate Reality

Gaming for Good: Game Concepts wanted to support Climate Reality

Got a good game idea about climate change?  Creative agencies (advertising, design, digital and otherwise) and brand teams are invited to contribute ideas based on a brief around the needs of organizations like The Climate Reality Project .

PSFK (the website which calls itself a source for new ideas) and the Climate Reality Project are  collaborating to create and share concepts that support revealing the complete truth about the climate crisis.

The concepts that best meet the brief will be published on the pages of PSFK.com, included in a downloadable PSFK x Climate Reality Project report, given a PR push to relevant national and international publications, and presented at events including PSFK’s New York launch in December.

The Climate Reality Project is an initiative that aims to bring the facts about the climate crisis into the mainstream and engaging the public in conversation about how to solve it. We help citizens around the world discover the truth and take meaningful steps to bring about change.

Founded and chaired by Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project has more than 5 million members and supporters and is guided by one simple truth: The climate crisis is real and we know how to solve it.

Currently on the Climate Reality Project website you can see highlights from the 24 hours of reality project, an event where 24 presenters were broadcast in 24 Time Zones talking about climate change.  The presentations were by citizen activists and Al Gore, who presented extreme weather events around the world and talked about the issue of pollution changing the climate.

PSFK will be presenting the brief in person on the evening of November 7th at their offices in NYC. They also will also be distributing a digital copy of the brief to those that cannot attend. Responses must be received by November 16 and after vetting by the PSFK staff, Al Gore’s team at The Climate Reality Project will judge the best concepts. These will be announced on December 2nd at a special event.

You can sign up here to attend the briefing or get the digital version of the brief emailed to you : http://www.psfk.com/gaming-for-good#ixzz1cXaj74lf


Climate Reality Project Website

Climate Change 101 Video by the Climate Change Reality Project

Gaming for Good – PSFK Brief sign up


Image Source: Picture of Game from the Climate Change Exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History