Tag: Urban Roots

“The only thing you can’t buy used is food.” Film Screening: Urban Roots

“The only thing you can’t buy used is food.” Film Screening: Urban Roots

Tonight I went to see a screening of Urban Roots, a film which focused on urban farming in Detroit.

The film started by reviewing the history of Detroit and the current state of the city, and then focused on urban farmers who are farming in the middle of neighborhoods, in vacant lots, and in their yards.

There were some interesting things said in the interviews of the urban farmers and commmunity members including this quote, “The only thing you can’t buy used is food.”

“By forming urban farms, locals in Detroit have begun turning abandoned city lots into small-scale gardens that give sense of hope and community ….”

The event was Sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice, Community Greenhouse Partners, Cityfresh & Clefnb and endorsed by the Save Our Communities forum in Cleveland.

From the Producer – Leila Conners’s statement of the film
“Well, enter urban farming, a way in which individuals can take control over something so critical as food that in the very act of growing it, they not only feed themselves, they also become healthier, more self-reliant and in some cases they become entrepreneurs. And most remarkable, they create a new approach to community, the economy and life overall.”
Community Greenhouse Partners

Urban Roots – the movie site

Image credit: Urban Roots Film