Stretch Your Paycheck at the We are the 99 Percent Event

Stretch Your Paycheck at the We are the 99 Percent Event

On November 17th Stretch Your Paycheck was at the We are the 99% Event – Day of Action event in downtown Cleveland.

Across the country – over 20,000 people turned out in towns and cities across the country.  In Cleveland – we started out in Public Square, and then marched together to the Court House.

The new Stretching My Paycheck umbrellas turned out pretty well – they are portable and packable – but make a message when open!

If you got your picture taken stretching your paycheck – you can download your picture at the Stretch Your Paycheck website.



Food Rules:  the Illustrated Expanded Edition

Food Rules: the Illustrated Expanded Edition

I finally got it.  I ordered the new expanded edition of Michael Pollan’s book Food Rules which has illustrations by artist Maira Kalman and expanded food rules. The book came in the mail yesterday.

I admit – I did not buy the first Food Rules book, since it seemed like a quick read – and I felt that I followed all the rules in the book … so it wasn’t for me.  The new book however caught my eye – partially due to the addition of the illustrations and the expanded rules that I’ve seen and read about this month on other sites and newspapers.

Michael Pollan’s Food Rules began with an idea that the wisdom of our grandparents might have more helpful things to say about how to eat well over the recommendations of science, industry or government. The first edition pocket size 112 page softcover book outlined a set of rules for eating wisely, many from a variety of ethnic or cultural traditions.

So what are Pollan’s food rules and why should we care?  Pollan’s simple attitude toward food and good, healthful eating has been publicized a lot:  Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

In the new edition of Food Rules, there are 83 rules he presents that are simply ideas or suggestions to support those three sentences.  Some rules I learned are Rule 13: Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle and If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you’re probably not hungry.

The new edition has illustrations by artist Maira Kalman, and is expanded with a new introduction and nineteen additional food rules, and is a hardcover volume.

Michael Pollan recently said that he wanted to work on a more visual version of Food Rules to reach more people and continue the conversation that the first edition started. He saw an exhibit of Maira Kalman’s work at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco and pursued collaborating with her.

Maira Kalman’s illustrations help bring the book to life – and are a great addition to Pollan’s writings.  Images in the book include a painted block of processed cheese or a hostess cupcake on a pink background, and the images bring rules like Eat all the junk food to life as long as you cook it yourself or Eat food to life.  The images are printed on good paper and the illustrations look great in the book.

The book publisher has some featured videos online of Michael Pollan and Maira Kalman talking about some of the rules  while in a grocery store that are interesting to watch.

So what will I be doing later?  Curling up with my new book – and eating an apple.

Image Source:

Maira Kalman



Food Rules: Illustrated Edition

Videos of Michael Pollan and Maira Kalman talking about the rules



Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence:  Biking to Work can Improve Health

Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence: Biking to Work can Improve Health

The Mind & Life Institute is a non-profit organization that seeks to understand the human mind and the benefits of contemplative practices through an integrated mode of knowing that combines first person knowledge from the world’s contemplative traditions with methods and findings from contemporary scientific inquiry.

The institute organizes Mind and Life Dialogues with the Dalai Lama, publications with report on these dialogues, a research institute, and other programs.

The “Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence,” Mind and Life XXII conference with the Dalai Lama and scholars, activitsts, and ecological scientists was held in Charamsalasa, India from October 17-21, 2011. The sessions were recorded, and you can watch sessions from the conference online.

In Session 2 of the conference : Interdependence Between the Environment and Our Health: Risk and Opportunities  the session began with a presentation by Jonathan Patz, director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and lead author of a new study highlighting the “four-way win” that comes with swapping cars for bikes: reduced greenhouse emissions and gains in air quality, fitness and the economy. Patz is also a professor in Madison’s Nelson Institute and Department of Population Health Sciences.

In the study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, Patz and his team looked at the Midwest states and  asked: What if during the nicest four months of the year, those residents biked instead of driving for round-trips of five miles or less?   According to their study, this could save approximately four trillion pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, 1,100 lives and $7 billion in mortality and health care costs for the region every year.

You can watch present Patz present his study in the online video from the conference and talk about the health impacts and ethics of climate change, and the potential for environment and health improvements of interventions.

In the session, Patz said “Fighting global climate change could be one of the greatest public health opportunities we’ve had in a century.  “This is where I look to your wisdom and writing,” he added. “Everything starts with the individual — we start with ourselves.”

“Wonderful,” Dalai Lama replied, bowing his head to Patz. “Wonderful. Very good.”

Image Source:



Video of – Mind and Life XXIII – Session 2 – Ecology, Ethics and Interdependence

Patz’s Study highlighting the “four-way win” of biking and health

The Mind and Life Institute

The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Vegetare – featured on About Harvest

My new video/animation Vegetare is featured on About Harvest’s website.

About Harvest makes films and documentaries that explore the history, science, and relevance of modern agricultural crops that are grown and harvested in the United States and around the world.

Check out Vegetare featured on the site –

