Tag: Generative Leaf Botanical Art

Generative Leaf Botanical Art: Allison Kudla’s Growth Pattern Project

Generative Leaf Botanical Art: Allison Kudla’s Growth Pattern Project

Artist Allison Kudla works with digital media in order to create time-based botanical works. Some of her past works have included data generated real-time video/audio renderings, working with hybrid bio-mechanical systems, and using CNC technologies and plant tissue culturing.

In her project called Growth Pattern, Kudla explored how a living natural system can take on the form of a manufactured pattern.

To make the piece, tobacco leaves are die-cut into a symmetrical pattern and suspended in tiling square petri dishes that have the nutrients necessary to promote new leaf growth.  The leaves are provided with the hormones that cause the cells to produce new leaf tissue, and the new leaves that grow extend the form of the traditional inspired botanical design.

When on display, the leaves change and change over time.   Each tile is a self-contained ecosystem, and through they were decontaminated and sterilized, some contamination still occurs. In some tiles,  the tissue dies.  In others, parasites might grow faster in the leaves.  In other tiles, new shoots begin to sprout from the original pattern.

The piece has shown in Spain and Belgium in recent years.  Kudla has other interesting projects that explore working with nature and technology which can be seen on her website allisonx.com.

Image Source:
Allison Kudla’s Website – allisonx.com/