Vinay Gupta at Camp Pixelache:  Tools and Language

Vinay Gupta at Camp Pixelache: Tools and Language

As the opening lines of Do-Re-Mi from Sound of Music go, “Let’s start at the very beginning…”   I have many things to write about from my experience at Camp Pixelache in Helsinki last weekend – and I am going to start at the beginning.

The beginning of the festival started with a keynote talk by Vinay Gupta, who is one of the world’s leading thinkers on infrastructure theory and managing geopoltical risk.  He is an environmentalist and a sustainability activist. He developed the Hexayurt, the free/open source emergency shelter and recently published the book The Future We Deserve.

His talk was called Tools and Language – Why government can’t manage the 21st century, but we can.  In his talk he talked about the shifting balance of power between the State and Corporations, which is a huge part of the problems our democracies face in responding to issues like climate change.

He started the talk by talking about some lessons that he had learned, and by sharing some of the tools and projects he has developed that address issues of future survival and climate change.

He talked about the hexayurt structure, which is a six sided structure that can be built for cheap, is made out of plywood or similar materials, and  can cost less than a relief. It can be built anywhere in the world at any scale, and is an open source design.  The hexayurt started when someone asked Gupta if he could build a 6 sided structure based on the BuckyDome ( a geodesic dome) structure.  He worked on this – and came up with the first hexayurt structure.  He shared it with a few friends, and each year since then there have been more and more people building these structures.  It took 10 years for the hexyurt to be used on a larger scale.

Vinay used this as a way to demonstrate the lesson that “change is slow” and “lasting change chages people.”  He also talked about passive cooperation, and that the hexayurt structure was passed on from person to person, and the documentation and free licenses made it easy for people to use and access.

Vinay also shared a model he developed to support crisis management called Six Ways to Die. (6WTD.)  This model helps explain what needs to get done in a crisis.  Basically the six ways to die are:  Too hot, too cold, thirst, hunger, illness, and inury.  If you map out estiamtes of the thtreat in each area and any spystems or behaviors that need to be added to the situation to keep people safe, you can plan for emergencies.  He also talked about the crisis in Haiti, and how when you have different type of organizations trying to work together – it can be a “goat rodeo” or a mess – since the groups have different methods to get to the same goal of helping those in need in a crisis.

One last lesson that Gupta talked about that I found interesting was that having a controlled vocabulary and precise language is important.  Our language affects our thinking – and it is important to have a shared understood vocabulary.  Gupta talked about how the Occupy movement at first did not have this – and it was a bit of a mess when Occupiers would be on the news interviewed, etc.  Currently, Occupy is working on making a controlled vocabulary.  This vocabulary maps and shapes our thinking. And Gupta refered to the Whorf theory – which is the linguistic principle that the structure of  a language affects how we are able to concpetualize the world.

Gupta’s ideas are easy to access.  He has a blog, a wiki website, and many of his lectures and talks are on his sites.

They also taped and posted his lecture on Vimeo.  I recommend watching this –there is a part 1 and part 2 – and check out his lecture at



Vinay Gupta Talk at Pixelache – Vimeo Video Part 1 and  Vimeo Video Part 2


6 Ways to Die

Camp Pixelache in Helsinki – A Weekend of Art, Activism, Sustainability and Technology

Camp Pixelache in Helsinki – A Weekend of Art, Activism, Sustainability and Technology

When I read the description about Camp Pixelache this Winter, an event where technology, art, activism and subcultures meet each year in Helsinki, Finland, I said to myself, “These are my people.”  I submitted a presentation topic, and went to present at the event.   I just came back from Helsinki, and have came back with lots of thing to write about, and with lots of friends and new contacts  who are doing projects related to building community, cultural production, art technology, sustainability, and activism from various countries.

This year, Camp Pixelache had a core theme of “Do It With Others” (D.I.W.O) and explored the question of “How can artists, makers, cultural producers, researchers and activists work collaboratively with each other and audiences, to create new co-production models for artifacts/events with sustainability as the core goal?”

A series of presentations around 4 core themes were organized which include Do It With Others (D.I.W.O), Creative Neighborhood Skills, The Art of Gathering Environmental Data, and Social Identity and Augmented Reality.  There also were demonstrations of electronic art and design including various open source, re/upcycling, and other “trashlab” and “hacklab” projects.

Other events at the festival included a keynote presentation, a live performance club event, and a series of professional workshops. The events were held at Arbis, a Swedish-language adult education center that is located close to the Finnish National Museum, in central Helsinki.

I gave a presentation in the early afternoon titled Powerformance which was in the festival’s track, Do It With Others (D.I.W.O.)  In my talk, I talked about the potential that interactive performance has to generate awareness and promote social change.  I made a special stretchable Euro paycheck –which we stretched at the end of my presentation.

The weekend was amazing.  I met so many interesting people and talked to others about art, technology, hope for the future, and other topics. I met others from Sweden, France, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Portugal and England at the event.

Some of the main speakers and facilitators of the conference tracks included Marc Garrett, (, London), Pedro Soler (, Barcelona) Jennifer Gabrys, (Goldsmiths University, London) and  Owen Kelly  (Arcadia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki) and members of the Bio Art Society of Finland.

The dialogue and presentations were engaging and exciting.  I will be posting for probably several weeks about the people, projects, and presentations that I met, experienced, and saw.     I am currently unpacking, doing laundry, and preparing my receipts.  Tomorrow I will start typing up my notes, compiling the information I got, and also connecting with others that I met at the conference.  Get ready to hear more about Camp Pixelache in future posts!

Image Source:
Pixelache website


Camp Pixelache Website

Pixelache website

Camp Pixelache Video:






America the Possible: An Orion Live Web Event on May 15th

America the Possible: An Orion Live Web Event on May 15th

How can the U.S. be behind others in the areas of healthcare, poverty rates and equal rights? In the upcoming issue of the magazine Orion, Gus Speth writes about how the United States, which is one of the wealthiest countries in the world recently received the lowest score on the United Nations’s index of material well-being of children.

He also writes about a more hopeful future for America, if we have the will and determination to build it.

In a live webinar event, Gus Speth and Orion’s editor Andrew Blechman will be talking about what it takes to get America back on track next Tuesday May 15th at 4 pm EST.  Gus Speth worked in the White House and at the United Nation and has interesting ideas about the future prospects of America.

If you want to listen in, you can register in advance for free.  The presentation will be a live audio stream with a slide show of images that you can see, with chances for you to ask questions and share your thoughts.

Image Source:



Registration Page for the Orion Live America the Possible Live Web Event

America the Possible: Part I in Orion Magazine

Stretch Your Paycheck at Lunch On Friday at CIA – Pictures are up!

Stretch Your Paycheck at Lunch On Friday at CIA – Pictures are up!

Stretch your paycheck is an interactive performance where you can stretch your paycheck and get a souvenir picture that you can download, print, and share. Send to your boss, your congressman, or to the bill collector!

On Friday March 9th,  Stretch Your Paycheck was at the the Cleveland Institute of Art Lunch on Friday.

If you got your picture taken stretching your paycheck – you can download your picture at the Stretch Your Paycheck website.







Build a Hexayurt Shelter

Build a Hexayurt Shelter

On Friday May 11th at the Pixelache Festival in Helsinki, volunteers will be building a hexayurt shelter.  What is a hexayurt?  It is a structure that costs less a relief tent, can be built anywhere in the world at various sizes, and can be made from local materials.  The hexayurt can be used as a emergency or relief structure or as a cheap easy structure for other uses.

The hexayurt that we are building at the Camp Pixelache Festival will be used as a sauna later this night (note: The Finns love saunas, and most households and hotels have saunas.)   A the event will be Vinay Gupta, the developer of the free/open source emergency shelter Hexayurt who is participating in Camp Pixelache.

To make the simple version of the hexayurt, you build a wall by putting six sheets of plywood on their sides in a hexagon shape.  Six more sheets of plywood are cut in  in half diagonally, and these are screwed together into a shallow cone shape. The roof is lifted onto the wall by a large group of people, then it is  fastened down with screws. The structure can be sealed, painted, or if you are in the desert covered with reflective materials.

The basic hexayurt design is a  166 square foot (15 sq meter) structure.  The design can last for years and costs approximately $100 to make. The basic design can be improved with proper windows, doors, room partitions, stove fittings and other architectural features.  Hexayurts have been built on the beach, at Occupy Pittsburgh, and at Burning Man.

Image Source:


Hexayurt @ Camp Pixelache in Helsinki

Hexayurt Designs