Photography as Activism:  Polar Obsession

Photography as Activism: Polar Obsession

Last week I wrote about the Climate Change exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art and about how the exhibit relied on text and information in an attempt to gain attention to global warming, which can be ineffective of informing and engaging visitors. There is another exhibit on display of photography at CMNH that is a good example of how imagery and art can spark interest in viewers about the issue of global warming.

The exhibit Polar Obsession features the work of photographer Paul Nicklen, who uses his camera to capture unique images of animals who live in the polar regions, whose livelihood is threatened due to the polar melting away caused by human-induced global warming.  The show features over 60 images that are unique images of polar animals in their natural settings.

Nicklen calls himself an interpreter or translator and says that through photography he can translate what he hears from scientists. “If we lose ice, we stand to lose an entire ecosystem,” Nicklen says.  “I hope we can realize through my photography how interconnected these species are to ice.”

Instead of using telephoto lenses, Nicklen  likes to get close to his subjects, which gives his images a unique presence.   Nicklen writes that, “Two colleagues at National Geographic have nicknamed me the Underwater Street Photographer, because it’s the street photographer who gets as close as possible to each subject, sometimes bringing the camera lens to within centimeters of the subjects.  Many wildlife photographers mainly use a long telephoto lens to shoot full frame images.  If I am using my 600mm lens, I don’t feel close enough.  If I am diving under the ice face to face with a walrus, filling the frame with my fisheye lens in a potentially dangerous situation, where no one has been before – then I know I am getting something good.”

Nicklen’s images have a unique quality than other nature photographs.  The photographs often depict animals from  different angles,  rare interactions of animals, and in a sharpness in the photo quality rarely seen in wildlife photography.

Recently there has been an increase in articles and posts about nature photographers who photograph endangered species as  activists.  Nicklen’s work aims to generate global awareness about wildlife and environmental issues, and is an example of how images can get others to become aware and appreciate polar species.

“I realize that if I really want people to care about polar species such as the polar bear, leopard seal, walrus and narwhal, my images have to be wild and raw.  I want people to feel what it’s like to be in the water, swimming a meter from a polar bear,” Nicklen says.  “I want them to experience what it’s like to be offered a penguin as food by a leopard seal.  Only then will they care about that habitat and that species.”

To do this work, he has gone on expeditions that include tracking Stellar sea lions in the Aleutian Islands, diving with narwhals off of Northern Baffin Island, swimming with leopard seals in Antarctica, photographing walruses on sea ice in Nunavut, and living on the open tundra with bears and wolves for a three-month solo trek. .

In one of his talks he mentions the power of the animals themselves to bring attention to a larger issue.  Nicklen says, “If you tell people ‘We are going to lose ice,’ no one is interested  because we hear it all the time.   If you tell people,  ‘We are going to lose polar bears,’  you get peoples’ attention.”

The exhibition supports his book, Polar Obsessions, which was published by National Geographic in November 2009.

Most visitors at the museum that I saw stopped to view the images, and many watched the TEDtalk of Nicklen that is playing as part of the exhibit.  Even if you have seen lots of imagery of bears and seals – this  show will capture your attention and provide a way to see polar animals and their habitat in a new way.

Polar Obsession is on display at CMNH until January 22, 2012.


Paul Nicklen



Paul Nicklen’s Website

Paul Nicklen’s TED talk video

Polar Obsession Exhibit :  at CMNH page

Extreme Exposure: Paul Nicklen Talk (Feb. 24, 20111)


Redesign the Supermarket

Redesign the Supermarket

The magazine and website GOOD which offers articles, commentary, design and videos and comics on culture and society which describes itself as “for people who give a damn.”

Each month the site does a 30-day challenge about how to live better. For June the challenge was to redesign the supermarket . Supermarkets are designed to get you to buy more than you want. The stores spread out staples like milk, eggs, and bananas so that shoppers will end up buying more than they need.

GOOD challenged readers to redesign the supermarket to promote healthy choices and discourage impulse junk-food buying.

The winner, Alison Cross created a grocery store design that has a circular structure, lots of bike racks, shorter aisles, community tables, and an on-site garden.

Check out the winning design and other submissions at the project website –

Alison Cross
Lyza Danger


GOOD Redesign the Supermarket

Article: Secrets of the Supermarket Layout that Grocery Store Chains Don’t Want You to Realize

Stretch Your Paycheck

Stretch Your Paycheck

The Stretch Your Paycheck at the Stand in for the Dream Action went well on November 4th at 12 noon in downtown Cleveland outside of Chase Bank.

If you came by to stretch your paycheck – your souvenir pictures can be downloaded at the Stretch paycheck site –



Barry Underwood at the Sculpture Center: Illusion and Installation

Barry Underwood at the Sculpture Center: Illusion and Installation

Last night I attended the opening at The Sculpture Center in Cleveland.  Barry Underwood (who I teach with at the Cleveland Institute of Art), has an installation on view in the studioTECHNE Euclid Avenue Gallery.

In his photographs, Underwood transforms natural landscapes by combining elements of film, theater, light and land art into installations.  This new installation is his first piece that is a temporary construction that can be physically experienced beyond the photograph.  The work plays with illusion and reality and provides an engaging experience and insight into his photography process.

Many artists call works installation –but the focus remains on form.   Underwood’s piece is a good example of a “true” installation.  It is site-specific, temporary in its construction, and takes into account a broader sensory experience. Viewers have to navigate, look for clues, and explore to see the work.  Similar to experiencing many of James Turrell works, the viewer has to seek out the work and navigate through a constructed space – while not exactly knowing what to look for or where to go.

In Underwood’s piece, the viewer navigates through two spaces –one in the front of the gallery which the artist called the “red space,” and the second space which is in the back. The work plays with perception and illusion – and is worth  a view (or a walk/exploration.)   The two spaces are a dichotomy between  front and back; reality and illusion; and image and construction.  I would love to write about what is in each of the rooms – (!) – but this would ruin the experience for those who have not seen the work yet.

The show is up until December 17th.   One suggestion – make sure you remove  your sunglasses before entering the work.


Sculpture Center – Exhibit page

Barry Underwood’s Site

Interview with Barry Underwood